美国国会图书馆曾展出陈列了罗马梵蒂冈文物,其中有个部分记述了14世纪到17世纪近三百年的罗马人在中国的学术活动。陈列品里有些原始文献记录了西方人学习研究和使用中国《易经》的学术活动和他们的研究笔迹,其中有段记录说: inygihg
Adam Schall's assistant, Verbiest, labored in a strange mode not quite Euclidean and not quite Chinese, as he pondered questions of the Chinese I-ching and geometric form. Aside from being a fortune book, the I-ching was the mainstay of an ancient philosophy of number and symmetry. It deals much with the numbers three and six, as seen in Verbiest's hexagons and triangles. He has larded his pages with sayings from that classic, apparently in his own hand. This pull-out page is one of many working notes that were bound together with Verbiest's printed eclipse predictions and his apologia of western astronomy for the Manchu court. inygihg
大意是:一位叫Verbiest的罗马人,很认真地研究了《易经》,他既不用西方古典的欧几里德方式、也不用中国语言文字,而是用《易经》与几何学形式来研究。他的研究说明,除开所谓“算命”成分,就能明显看到,《易经》是数学和平衡对称古老哲学的基础,它特别使用数字“3”和“6”以及三角形和六角形来做各种数学推导。因此呢,他学习研究中国《易经》的笔记被作为数学和天文学的文献资料而收藏。 inygihg
陈列说明文字解释说:这些原始笔记是梵蒂冈图书馆于1668年到1697年陆续收藏的,但早在马可·波罗到达中国之前,罗马人就到达中国,在中国很有系统地学习研究了中国的科技与文化,并把他们的研究带回罗马,成为梵蒂冈主持或赞助的科学学术活动内容之一。 |