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发表于 2020-8-18 17:11:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In 1954, the year before his death, Gann set out rules for studying Coffee in a letter called the May Coffee Santos D for a private student who had signed a non-disclosure ment. Gann stated that the rules and instructions were secret discoveries to be kept confidential and for private use.
“By studying all of the data outlined above and applying it to Coffee, you will be able to learn more about what causes the changes in trend.”
At age 76, W.D.Gann made so much money trading Coffee and Soy Beans, that he called his new high speed cruising boat The Coffee Bean.

The CD runs for 108 minutes. It is a Windows Media File -WMF
1. Exploration of Gann's Coffee natal.
2. Discover the most important planet Gann used to forecast coffee cycles.
3. Which planetary scales did Gann use to forecast price.
4. What planetary averages did Gann use?
5. Sensitive zodiacal degrees for coffee.
6. Squaring Price with Planetary Time for Coffee.
7. Timing Solution tools for analysing Coffee.
 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-18 17:15:48 | 只看该作者
"Learn to work hard and study.

The more you study, the greater your success will be.

Knowledge is the greatest thing you can have.

It is better than money in the bank. You can never lose

knowledge and no one can steal it from you; therefore,

get all the knowledge you possibly can."


Did you know that legendary trader W.D. Gann was an astrologer?

In 1914, he was a member of  The Astrological Society, Inc N.Y. with Sepharial, George Llewellyn, Frank C Higgins and had associations with Edward Johndro, Luther Jensen and CC Zain. Gann also published a list of recommended books he had for sale - topics included Numerology, Astrology, the Tarot and other esoteric titles such as the Oracles of Nostradamus. In his coded novel The Tunnel Thru the Air he wrote about mediums, clairvoyants and even Atlantis!  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of Sherlock Holmes and The Lost World, is also mentioned, as he was a prominent researcher of Spiritualism in the 1920's, traveling the world investigating reports of supernatural spirit phenomena.

Do you find it incredulous and hard to fathom like most traders I meet?

Newspaper articles in the 1920's called W.D. Gann a prophet and a mathematical seer.  "Mr Gann has made noteworthy prognostications of the markets which proved to be true in the course of . His calculations are based on Letters, Numbers and Astrology." Journal of Commerce, 1921.

"Mr Gann gets calls every day from men and women prominent in all walks of life asking him to cast their horoscope. He tells politicians whether or not they will be elected and solves other problems for clergymen, bankers and statesmen." The Evening Telegram 1923.

He also cast horoscopes for commodities, one example is his horoscope for Coffee.

In the foreword of The Tunnel Thru the Air (TTTA), Gann tells you it contains a mysterious and valuable secret, clothed in veiled language. What could this be? I have found, like many others that the study of Gann not only teaches you how to Master the Markets, it opens your mind to the Metaphysical laws beyond our ordinary perception like his Law of Vibration and hidden secrets in Sacred Geometry.

In his later years, we know from some private letters, Gann did disclose his astrological methods to a select few of his private students, especially on trading commodities like Soy Beans, Cotton and Coffee. Astrological symbols are scattered on many of Gann's trading charts and workings. Gann also constructed his own graphic ephemeris to trace planetary movement along the zodiac, which he called The Path of Planets. Amazingly, he used planetary longitude and aspects to give him price levels!

It has been said that to truly understand the secrets and symbolism in TTTA you need not only to be an astrologer but also a high degree Mason like Gann. In this regard, my research reveals that Masonic rituals stem from ancient Egypt and the Temples of Initiation. We know that Pythagoras was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries and taught the secrets by the High Priests.  Gann made trips to both Egypt and India in search of ancient texts where he found the Square of Nine, an ancient system of both Time and Number also referred to as The Pythagorean Cube and the foundation of ancient Numerology.

Why did W.D. Gann call the Holy Bible the BOOK of all books?

From TTTA Pg. 172 “ Robert was a great believer in Astrology because he had found this great science referred to so many s in the Holy Bible. He had made notes as he read the Bible at different times where it referred to Astrology or the signs in the heavens and was thoroughly convinced that the influence of the heavenly bodies govern our lives.”

Pg 175. “Robert knew that the Bible was replete with references that the heavens ruled. He had read where it said: ‘Discern the end from the beginning, where Jesus said, “I will judge you in the place of your nativity.”

"Every movement in the market is the result of a natural law and of a cause which exists long before the effect takes place and can be determined years in advance. The Future is but a repetition of the past, as the Bible plainly states: The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the sun." Eccl.1.9.

Therefore, if you've always wanted to explore the esoteric side of W.D. Gann and not known where to start, Astrology for Gann Traders offers a unique gateway to set you on the path of understanding.  Astrology is a science of prophetic universal laws.  As you can see, Gann called it the greatest science however it can take many years to understand and apply.

My intention is to immerse you in the Sacred Science of Astrology so that you can discern the future and prosper with foreknowledge. Gain the insights and techniques used not only by Gann, but also those of other Financial Astrologers like Sepharial, Luther Jensen and George Bayer.

It is often said that Knowledge is power, however, I truly believe that Foreknowledge is empowerment.

In The Tunnel Thru the Air on page 78,  Gann wrote ," IT IS NOT MY AIM TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF CYCLES. The general public is not yet ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I explained it."

That was 84 years ago,  a complete Uranus cycle and time for change and awakening---are you ready NOW!
 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-18 17:16:45 | 只看该作者
The Tunnel Thru the Air
The Tunnel Thru the Air,  was a medium for Gann not only to encode his trading secrets but also a method for him to express his deep beliefs through the main character Robert Gordon. Gann grew up in a strict Baptist community where he could not openly disclose his affinity with Astrology.  For example, on page 26, "He read the Bible, especially the story of Job, continued to go to church, and while he was suffering many trials and tribulations, his mind was expanding. He could not accept the theory preached and taught by preachers, because he knew that the things they taught were wrong."

Within its pages, Gann was able to teach personal, financial and mundane astrological principals for a future generation as a legacy for those willing to knock and seek.

More quotes below.
 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-18 17:17:11 | 只看该作者
pg75. “In making my predictions I use geometry and mathematics, just as an astronomer, based on immutable laws.”

Pg 84. “How few people are willing to study the Bible in order to understand the signs and discern the future and profit by it.’

Pg. 172 “ Robert was a great believer in Astrology because he had found this great science referred to so many s in the Holy Bible. He had made notes as he read the Bible at different s where it referred to Astrology or the signs in the heavens and was thoroughly convinced that the influence of the heavenly bodies govern our lives.”

Pg 175. “Robert knew that the Bible was replete with references that the heavens ruled. He had read where it said: ‘Discern the end from the beginning, where Jesus said, “I will judge you in the place of your nativity.”

Pg 62 “I have been studying the Bible night and day for many years, and I believe that I have found in it the key to all prophecy, -- the rules foretelling the events in the history of the country, the progress in invention, and the rules for forecasting the future of stocks and commodities.”

pg 204 “ I have studied the Bible very carefully because I believe it is the greatest scientific book every written. The laws are plainly laid down how to make a success. There is a time and season for everything, and if a man does things according to time, he will succeed. The Bible makes it plain that not all are born to be prophets, nor to be farmers, doctors or lawyers, but each can succeed in his own special line, according to time and place. If men would only follow the Bible and know that there is a time to stop try making money and to keep what they have, then wait for another season when the time is ripe, they would continue to succeed indefinitely.”

Pg 67. I believe in the stars, I believe in Astrology and I have figured out my own destiny.

The Bible makes it plain that the stars do rule. 147th Psalm, 4th Verse:

“He tellest the number of stars, he callest them all by name.

I believe the wise men of the East, the astrologists before the birth of Jesus Christ, knew where and when he would be born by the study of the stars".
 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-21 16:20:11 | 只看该作者
Charts have to be correctly scaled to reveal anything actionable/relevant regarding price/ structure. That's why your channels don't really show anything useful. If you don't have a scaled chart, you have to do cumbersome calculations with a spreadsheet. Using a scaled chart is much quicker and intuitive.

For starters, try using a 45 degree angle on a scaled chart and drawing channels from relevant highs and lows. If you regard the 45 degree angle as a 1x1 as in Gann terminology, know that the 1x2, 2x1, 4x1, etc. are all really manifestations of that same 45 degree angle under different scale transforms . Setting a Gann fan at a particular x/y point will thereby provide a window into market structure at ratios which model the expansion and contraction of the series fractals without having to rescale the chart. Fan lines only make visually explicit the price domain while implying the time domain. And they are just one class of predicted trend models. I personally don't use them anymore. There are better ways of modeling the vibration of a single price/time data point if that's what you want to do. But as an illustration, the underlying theory is important, and not understanding that is why most peoples fan lines don't work.

The chart is ES 4min, scale 0.25 x 2/bar
 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-1 11:01:58 | 只看该作者
The manual you now hold represents over ten years of refinement and research into what makes markets tick and how to use that information to grow a trading account. Over that period of , I bought countless trading books and courses, attended seminars, and studied bodies of knowledge from the most technical, such as artificial intelligence, to the most esoteric, such as numerology and the vibration of the spoken word.

I’ve been around the block when it comes to studying trading methods, and over I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. Surprisingly, the reason most traders fail is not due to a lack of effective tools, but to faulty preconceptions about what it takes to be profitable and an ignorance of how to manage trading operations as a business.

If you have any trading books, go back and take a look at them and ask yourself what exactly the book is trying to teach you. In most cases, it will be about some entry technique with a high accuracy.

That’s what sells trading books, because that’s what people want. It’s an attractive topic to traders, as it feeds their subconscious yearning for accuracy, but unfortunately it tends to have nothing to do with actually making money.

Techniques of an Astrotrader takes a different approach. I’m going to discuss everything you need to know to run the business of trading. This includes risk management, profit targets, psychology, discipline, and position sizing. I’m also going to discuss some extremely powerful tools that will tell you at what time and what price you should place a trade.

It’s a complete system, and I will cover all the components required to be a profitable trader. I’ll bring it all together at the end by taking you into my virtual trading room to demonstrate how it all works under fire, and I’ll be trading real money the whole time.

My goal is for you to be able to take what you’ve learned in this book, and then go to the markets and take money out of them. I don’t care what your accuracy is. I don’t care whether you rode the whole move down. I don’t care if you missed or didn’t see the e break that just happened.

As long as you put money in your account, and do so consistently, then I will have been successful in writing this book. I’m really aiming for those traders who have a little experience but have never been profitable before.

The advanced traders will find something in here that they can take and use as well, but it’s really that group on the edge of profitability that I’d like to push over the line.

As far as I know, no one has ever delivered a complete astrobased trading method before. Sure, there are books about how an astrological aspect pinpointed such-and-such a top or bottom in the past, or had such-and-such correlation to various market averages, but no one ever said, “Here are your entries, here are your exits, do it like this.” That’s what I’m going to provide here.
 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-1 11:04:04 | 只看该作者
As far as I know, no one has ever delivered a complete astrobased trading method before. Sure, there are books about how an astrological aspect pinpointed such-and-such a top or bottom in the past, or had such-and-such correlation to various market averages, but no one ever said, “Here are your entries, here are your exits, do it like this.” That’s what I’m going to provide here.

[ 本帖最后由 logoslogos 于 2020-11-1 11:28 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-1 11:04:31 | 只看该作者
Techniques of an Astrotrader takes a different approach. I’m going to discuss everything you need to know to run the business of trading. This includes risk management, profit targets, psychology, discipline, and position sizing. I’m also going to discuss some extremely powerful tools that will tell you at what and what price you should place a trade.

[ 本帖最后由 logoslogos 于 2020-11-1 11:28 编辑 ]
发表于 2020-11-16 23:28:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2020-12-16 17:01:00 | 只看该作者


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