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About W D Gann and George Bayer

发表于 2010-8-14 14:49:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
About W D Gann and George Bayer This section contains an overview of the life and work of Gann and Bayer, together with some general observations, prepared by our researchers. If you have spent any time at all around the industry 'traps', you are likely to have at least heard of W D Gann, or William Delbert Gann, and more likely you would have heard a chorus of Gann enthusiasts putting the man high on a pedestal. There are claims he was the greatest trader ever. But you will know all these things if you know about Gann. However, if you are new to trading, or new to the use of cycles in determining market movements, you may not even have heard of him, or his claim to fame. The striking thing about Gann is that his work has created two distinct groups with views diametrically opposed. That group mentioned earlier, revere him. To them he is the greatest forecaster who ever lived, he is the greatest trader who ever lived, and he made the greatest amount of money trading, of any trader. On the other side of the fence, the non believers have equally strong views; that his work is a lot of mumbo-jumbo and has little value in making money from markets in these modern times. In fairness, such strong views generally reside with those who you detect may harbour just a touch of bias against anything that is esoteric in nature. A more representative depiction of the attitude of the non believers could be summed up by the following observation. Reading statements in Jack Schwager's wonderful books, 'Market Wizards', there are references from two modern-day traders, who, incidentally, could justifiably claim to be two of the best on record in any era, Ed Seykota and William Eckhart. Both these super traders make the very valid point that Gann's 'lines', the ones that radiate out from tops and bottoms at various key angles, can be of little value since their position is dependant on the time/price relationship determined by scale (change the scale of a chart by even a small increment and the position of all the subsequent price bars change position). In reverse, what you can do is adjust your scale so that a market very conveniently responds to the Gann lines. Here is what William Eckhardt had to say about this matter: "If you wanted your computer system to be cognizant of slope, you would have to program this feature into it. At that point, it would become abundantly clear that the slope value depends directly on the choice of units and scales for the time and price axes." And we quote Jack Schwager himself on this question, a man I would think is suitably qualified to comment on trading methodologies since he has spent much time and effort studying this subject and talking to the world's top traders. "I have always been amazed by how many people are oblivious to the time scale-dependent nature of chart angles or unconcerned about its ramifications. My realization of the inherent arbitrariness of slope of line methods is precisely why I've never been willing to spend five minutes on Gann angles or the works by the proponents of his methodology." We agree with the detail of this assessment (although we detect Schwager is displaying a hint of scepticism toward any method that has as its basis cycles, or, dare we say the word, astro, and therefore feel he may not be an impartial judge). That said, though, it is a fundamental truth that does make Gann lines very subjective indeed. It would be okay if Gann had given students a method by which they could standardize scale, a magic formula that could be applied uniformly to all markets at all times and would consequently show that markets did, in fact, respond to the Gann angles. But in all the Gann material we have studied we did not find a way to do this, and furthermore, we have not seen any purveyor of Gann methodology come up with a way to standardize scale. During our early years of research, we were trying to pick tops and bottoms with the 'Gann square of 12', an acrylic square of about 24 inches and overlaid with the angles of trend that Gann maintained were key. We guess it is fair to say that it is not important to anyone that we could not make it work. Maybe it indicates the level of our research abilities, but we do agree with Seykota and Eckhardt about its subjectivity. (An interesting aside is that we have a copy of an original letter from Gann to one of his clients that was included in some of Gann's manuscript material, in which he is offering to sell this new tool for the sum of $4,000. we don't know how much 4,000 1930's dollars would represent in today's money, but it would be an awful lot of money and this shows just how much money Gann must have made from marketing his tools and services. It makes our modern day marketers of trading systems look decidedly small minded.) But if the likes of Seykota, Eckhardt and Schwager are basing their assessment of Gann just on the Gann lines, then we believe they are making a fundamental error of judgement. In fact, we would go as far as to say that anyone judging Gann just by one or two aspects of his work cannot make a worthwhile judgement. The real secrets of Gann were hidden. Gann states this himself, and it is logical to assume this. Almost anyone possessing knowledge as powerful as Gann obviously did is not going to openly reveal these secrets to the general public. And whilst we have not been successful understanding much of Gann's work, there is one subject Gann studied about which we do understand very well. It is the elliptical cycles, the cornerstone of the moneymakingcharts service. When you have studied Gann's work, you get the feeling that there is something missing. We believe Gann didn't openly reveal his best tools, and we believe elliptical cycles are one component he deliberately did not reveal. So, what is the truth? Did Gann make a lot of money from markets? Could he forecast the future price of markets? If he was flying around in his private, chauffeur-driven, plane (as he did); did the money to pay for that come from trading or marketing? There doesn't seem to be conclusive evidence that Gann did make a lot of money from trading, but that's not to say he didn't. It is claimed by some that his son, John, who worked in his father's business for some years, maintained that W D Gann was unsuccessful making money from trading, but successful making money from marketing his services. But this claim does not appear to be verified. There is evidence that Gann left a miserably small estate when he died - a figure of something like $150,000. But even that does not prove he didn't make millions from trading. So, it can be seen there is a lot of mystery in the public arena about this aspect of Gann's life. But on the question of forecasting future price, there is no doubt about Gann's ability. Here there is abundant evidence of his unique prowess. One only needs to read his market forecast for the year 1929 to appreciate this. It is a very detailed, expansive document that shows at least that an awful lot of scientific work had gone into its compilation. Gann could, and did, predict price levels, sometimes with time window attachments, that turned out to be incredibly accurate. We have not seen anyone attempt these feats since, with the exception of his contemporary, George Bayer. So, if Gann could do this, surely he must have taken considerable profits from trading. Granted, it doesn't follow that a good forecaster will automatically become a profitable trader. This may come as a surprise to some, but ask any successful futures trader about this and we are sure he will agree. The best forecast in the world can produce a loss if trade management is not executed with expertise. But we can't imagine that a man with Gann's knowledge and experience didn't have an excellent grasp of trade management. After all, he wrote books on the subject. In a nutshell, when you look at the incredible accuracy of his documented forecasts, together with the few verifiable trading records on hand, you cannot draw any other conclusion that he would have had to be the biggest dill in the world not to have made a fortune trading during his career. Gann did not obtain his knowledge from within. He studied ancient writings to obtain his knowledge. He was a 'rediscoverer' of knowledge, knowledge that had been hidden during the previous centuries for reasons that we can only speculate. And like Gann, George Bayer based his life-long studies on much the same source of knowledge. If you hadn't heard of Gann before now, then you are much less likely to have heard of George Bayer. I suspect that there are many out there with a reasonable knowledge of Gann and his work and who have not heard of George Bayer. On the one hand, there's an industry built up around Gann and his work, while at the same time Bayer is known by very few. This is somewhat surprising because in our view the work Bayer did, during much the same period as Gann, is much less subjective than was Gann's. We can read Bayer's manuscripts and make sense of most subjects he deals with. The same cannot be said of Gann's writings. Maybe Bayer's comparative obscurity has less to do with the value of his work but more to do with Gann's undoubted marketing drive and flair. Bayer did market his services because he refers to having 300 clients taking his forecasts, but there is no evidence that Bayer sold courses and products to anywhere near the extent that Gann did, let alone at the prices. In reading the work of the two men we can get a handle on the type of person Bayer was and we get the impression it would not have been in his nature to push marketing beyond a respectable point; in fact, in his writings he is critical of those who do. Whilst one can find a reasonable amount of information about Gann from books and the internet, the same is not true of Bayer. Little information is available about his life. We know a fair bit about his work but not much about his life. We understand that he emigrated from Germany , arriving in New York , probably at the turn of the 20 th century. He wrote a book called George Wollsten, the object of which we are sure was an exercise in writing a story in code form, a story behind which there is a hidden message, information on how to calculate the natural cycles of markets. It is said that the veneer in this book depicts his life. To what extent this is true, we can't be sure, but it seems likely that he started out as a stock broker in New York , gravitated to analysis and became interested in the effect of natural cycles on markets. Later he moved to California and lived in Carmel by the Sea. He was an avid researcher. He spent most of his adult life researching his subject, from dawn until the small hours of the morning, day in, day out, until he died during the mid fifties, somewhat before his three score plus ten. Bayer's forecasts were as incredible as were Gann's. They are documented so there is no question about their accuracy. Bayer often predicted the high of a market to within a whisker, and right on the day. From what we have seen of the forecasts of both men, they stand as equals. But in the area of research, we think Bayer stands tall. Bayer's whole life was research, while Gann diverted his attention to other fields from time to time. As to Bayer's trading record, there seems to be even less evidence on this matter than was the case for Gann. But the same could be true about Bayer. He was such an incredible forecaster he, like Gann, must have made money from the markets where he wanted. Based on our understanding of Bayer it was that he didn't court money and fame to the extent that Gann did. We think Bayer traded to pay the bills and cover a few conservative luxuries. Research is what drove Bayer, not money. He did seek recognition for his work, though. Although he did not like to enter into the public arena, there were occasions he went against this and we are sure it was because he wanted other people to know the truth about cycles. Although contemporaries, there is no evidence the two men ever met. Therefore, we find it interesting that they both shared knowledge of elliptical cycles. Of course, Bayer referred to these in his manuscripts, but there is no mention in any Gann material we have seen. So, there you have it, our take on the two men we believe possessed valuable knowledge on the effect of natural cycles on man and markets.

[ 本帖最后由 占一剑 于 2010-8-14 15:11 编辑 ]
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关于W D江恩和乔治·贝尔公司
About W D Gann and George Bayer This section contains an overview of the life and work of Gann and Bayer, together with some general observations, prepared by our researchers.关于W D江恩和乔治拜耳这部分包含了整体的生活和工作和拜耳公司江恩的,还有一些概述、豫备好了、我们的研究人员。If you have spent any time at all around the industry 'traps', you are likely to have at least heard of W D Gann, or William Delbert Gann, and more likely you would have heard a chorus of Gann enthusiasts putting the man high on a pedestal.如果你已经花了任何时候在工业的陷阱”,你很可能拥有至少听说过W D,就是威廉Delbert江恩江恩,更有可能你也应该听说过齐声江恩爱好者把人高台座上。There are claims he was the greatest trader ever.有声称他是最大的交易者永远。But you will know all these things if you know about Gann.但这一切的事,你就会知道,你如果了解江恩。However, if you are new to trading, or new to the use of cycles in determining market movements, you may not even have heard of him, or his claim to fame.然而,如果你是一个新的交易,或新使用周期决定市场走势,你可能甚至都没有听说过他,否则他能得到的名声。The striking thing about Gann is that his work has created two distinct groups with views diametrically opposed.这个引人注目的事情,他的工作是江恩创造了两个不同的群体与观点截然相反的。That group mentioned earlier, revere him.那群人前面提到的,在他面前存敬畏的心。To them he is the greatest forecaster who ever lived, he is the greatest trader who ever lived, and he made the greatest amount of money trading, of any trader.他们预测他是历史上最伟大的人活在,他是最伟大的交易者曾经住过,他做出了伟大的金额交易,任何的交易者。On the other side of the fence, the non believers have equally strong views; that his work is a lot of mumbo-jumbo and has little value in making money from markets in these modern times.另一边的篱笆,非信徒都拥有同样强烈的观点,,他的工作是一个很大的mumbo-jumbo一些价值在市场上赚钱在这些现代。In fairness, such strong views generally reside with those who you detect may harbour just a touch of bias against anything that is esoteric in nature.在公平中,这种强烈的情感,通常居住在一起那些你发现可能含有只是轻微的歧视任何深奥的。A more representative depiction of the attitude of the non believers could be summed up by the following observation.一个更具有代表性的态度的描绘的非信徒可以被总结由以下的观察。Reading statements in Jack Schwager's wonderful books, 'Market Wizards', there are references from two modern-day traders, who, incidentally, could justifiably claim to be two of the best on record in any era, Ed Seykota and William Eckhart.阅读声明杰克Schwager精彩的书,”市场巫师们的,有借鉴两现代商人,谁,顺便说一句,可以理所当然地宣称自己是最好的两个纪录在任何时代,爱德Seykota和威廉•艾克。Both these super traders make the very valid point that Gann's 'lines', the ones that radiate out from tops and bottoms at various key angles, can be of little value since their position is dependant on the time/price relationship determined by scale (change the scale of a chart by even a small increment and the position of all the subsequent price bars change position).这两个超级交易者使很正当的点的队是江恩辐射的人,从顶部和底部,可以在不同的关键角度没有什么价值,因为他们的立场是依赖于时间/价格关系取决于量表(改变规模作为航海图增加,即使是很小的位置改变所有随之而来的价格酒吧位置上)。In reverse, what you can do is adjust your scale so that a market very conveniently responds to the Gann lines.反过来,你可以做的是调整你的标准,市场很方便回应江恩线。Here is what William Eckhardt had to say about this matter: "If you wanted your computer system to be cognizant of slope, you would have to program this feature into it.这是威廉·Eckhardt关于这件事的说:“如果你想让你的计算机系统要弄清斜坡,你将不得不程序这一特点。At that point, it would become abundantly clear that the slope value depends directly on the choice of units and scales for the time and price axes."在这一点上,它会变成多次阐明,边坡价值直接取决于单位和尺度的选择的时间和价格的轴。”And we quote Jack Schwager himself on this question, a man I would think is suitably qualified to comment on trading methodologies since he has spent much time and effort studying this subject and talking to the world's top traders.和我们的报价杰克Schwager自己关于这个问题,我想一个人合格的评论交易方法既然他已经花了大量的时间和精力去,跟该学科研究世界顶级交易员。"I have always been amazed by how many people are oblivious to the time scale-dependent nature of chart angles or unconcerned about its ramifications.“我一直惊奇于有多少人没有注意到时间scale-dependent自然图角或不关心它的后果。My realization of the inherent arbitrariness of slope of line methods is precisely why I've never been willing to spend five minutes on Gann angles or the works by the proponents of his methodology."我的证悟任意性固有的边坡线方法正是我从来都不愿意花五分钟江恩角或的作品的支持者对他的方法。”We agree" /> with the detail of this assessment (although we detect Schwager is displaying a hint of scepticism toward any method that has as its basis cycles, or, dare we say the word, astro, and therefore feel he may not be an impartial judge).我们同意的细节(尽管我们检测评价Schwager正显示一个提示了质疑向任何方法,为基础周期,或者,我们敢对我说这些话,原子,因此觉得他也许不是一名铁面无私的法官。That said, though, it is a fundamental truth that does make Gann lines very subjective indeed.说,尽管这是一种基本的道理,但确实非常主观使江恩线。It would be okay if Gann had given students a method by which they could standardize scale, a magic formula that could be applied uniformly to all markets at all times and would consequently show that markets did, in fact, respond to the Gann angles.这样可以如果江恩所学生一种方法,使他们能够规范标准,一个魔法配方,能应用整个市场的统一、随时会因此表明市场没有,事实上,应江恩角度。But in all the Gann material we have studied we did not find a way to do this, and furthermore, we have not seen any purveyor of Gann methodology come up with a way to standardize scale.但是在所有的江恩资料我们已经学了我们没有找到一种方法来完成,而且,我们就没见过的传声筒方法论江恩找到一种规范的规模。During our early years of research, we were trying to pick tops and bottoms with the 'Gann square of 12', an acrylic square of about 24 inches and overlaid with the angles of trend that Gann maintained were key.在早期的研究中,我们试图选择的高点和低点开始起作用的广场江恩12”,一种丙烯酸广场24英寸,又用趋势的角度,保持江恩很关键。We guess it is fair to say that it is not important to anyone that we could not make it work.我们想公正的说,它是不重要的人我们不能让它实现。Maybe it indicates the level of our research abilities, but we do agree" /> with Seykota and Eckhardt about its subjectivity.也许,它代表著这水平科研能力,但我们同意Seykota和Eckhardt对其主体性。(An interesting aside is that we have a copy of an original letter from Gann to one of his clients that was included in some of Gann's manuscript material, in which he is offering to sell this new tool for the sum of $4,000. we don't know how much 4,000 1930's dollars would represent in today's money, but it would be an awful lot of money and this shows just how much money Gann must have made from marketing his tools and services.(一个有趣的一边就是,我们有一本江恩原信他的客户被包括在一些江恩的手稿资料,他正在提供卖这个新工具美元的数额4,000.我们不知道有多少4000 1930年的美元将是在今天的钱,但这将是一大笔钱,这表明只是多少钱肯定是江恩从营销工具和服务。It makes our modern day marketers of trading systems look decidedly small minded.)它使我们今天现代的行销交易系统看起来致命的小的头脑。)But if the likes of Seykota, Eckhardt and Schwager are basing their assessment of Gann just on the Gann lines, then we believe they are making a fundamental error of judgement.但是如果像Seykota,Eckhardt和Schwager所倚靠的评价只是江恩江恩线,那么我们相信他们正在的根本性错误的判断。In fact, we would go as far as to say that anyone judging Gann just by one or two aspects of his work cannot make a worthwhile judgement.事实上,我们所能说的,任何判断江恩只是通过一个或两个他工作上的问题不能做出有价值的判断。The real secrets of Gann were hidden.真正机密的江恩被隐藏。Gann states this himself, and it is logical to assume this.江恩声明这自己,符合逻辑的猜想。Almost anyone possessing knowledge as powerful as Gann obviously did is not going to openly reveal these secrets to the general public.几乎每个人都拥有的知识是江恩显然不会公开展示这些秘密向公众披露。And whilst we have not been successful understanding much of Gann's work, there is one subject Gann studied about which we do understand very well.,虽然我们还没有被成功的理解是江恩的大部分工作的,有一个主题的研究方法,江恩,我们所知道的很好。It is the elliptical cycles, the cornerstone of the moneymakingcharts service.这是椭圆的周期,的基石moneymakingcharts服务。When you have studied Gann's work, you get the feeling that there is something missing.当你学习是江恩工作,你觉得有什么失踪了。We believe Gann didn't openly reveal his best tools, and we believe elliptical cycles are one component he deliberately did not reveal.我们相信江恩并没有公开展示他最好的工具,我们相信椭圆周期是一个部件他故意可没有透露。So, what is the truth?所以,事实是这样吗?Did Gann make a lot of money from markets?并江恩赚很多钱的市场?Could he forecast the future price of markets?他能预测未来的价格市场吗?If he was flying around in his private, chauffeur-driven, plane (as he did); did the money to pay for that come from trading or marketing?如果他是在他的私人飞来飞去,、平面(新);像他一样的钱来支付了来自交易或营销?There doesn't seem to be conclusive evidence that Gann did make a lot of money from trading, but that's not to say he didn't.似乎没有结论性证据说明江恩并赚很多钱交易,但是这并不是说他并没有来。It is claimed by some that his son, John, who worked in his father's business for some years, maintained that W D Gann was unsuccessful making money from trading, but successful making money from marketing his services.据说是他的儿子,约翰。他曾在他父亲的事业有好几年了,坚持认为女医生江恩赚钱是不成功的,但是成功的交易从营销赚钱他的服务。But this claim does not appear to be verified.但这种说法并未得到证实。There is evidence that Gann left a miserably small estate when he died - a figure of something like $150,000.有证据表明,江恩留下了惨小家产去世时,他喜欢的东西——这一数据15万美元之间。But even that does not prove he didn't make millions from trading.但即使这并不证明他没有数百万美元交易。So, it can be seen there is a lot of mystery in the public arena about this aspect of Gann's life.因此,我们可以看到有许多神秘关于这方面的公共领域是江恩生活。But on the question of forecasting future price, there is no doubt about Gann's ability.但是预测未来的问题上价格,毫无疑问,这是江恩能力。Here there is abundant evidence of his unique prowess.这里有大量的证据独特威力。One only needs to read his market forecast for the year 1929 to appreciate this.他只需要读他的市场预测,今年的1929年欣赏这封信。It is a very detailed, expansive document that shows at least that an awful lot of scientific work had gone into its compilation.这是一个非常详细,膨胀文件显示至少这一大堆讨厌的科学工作进入了《全宋文》。Gann could, and did, predict price levels, sometimes with time window attachments, that turned out to be incredibly accurate.江恩能做,这样做了,预测的价格水平,有时有时间窗附件,变成了令人难以置信的是准确的。We have not seen anyone attempt these feats since, with the exception of his contemporary, George Bayer.我们没有看到过任何人尝试这些专长以来,除了他同时代的,乔治拜耳公司。So, if Gann could do this, surely he must have taken considerable profits from trading.所以,如果江恩能够做这件事。他必定一定花了可观的利润的交易。Granted, it doesn't follow that a good forecaster will automatically become a profitable trader.当然,这并不意味着一个好的预报将自动成为有利可图的交易者。This may come as a surprise to some, but ask any successful futures trader about this and we are sure he will agree" />.这有可能会带来惊喜对有些人来说,你可以问问那些成功对期货交易者,我们能肯定他会同意。The best forecast in the world can produce a loss if trade management is not executed with expertise.世界上最好的预测会产生损失贸易管理不实行以专业知识。But we can't imagine that a man with Gann's knowledge and experience didn't have an excellent grasp of trade management.但是我们不能想象,一个人的知识和经验,这是江恩不有很好的掌握贸易管理。After all, he wrote books on the subject.毕竟,他写书的内容。In a nutshell, when you look at the incredible accuracy of his documented forecasts, together with the few verifiable trading records on hand, you cannot draw any other conclusion that he would have had to be the biggest dill in the world not to have made a fortune trading during his career.简而言之,当你看了令人难以置信的精度,同时他的记录预测用少量可以证实的交易记录另一方面,你无法吸收其他这样的结论,他必须在世界上最大的茴香没有赚了很多钱,交易在他的职业生涯。Gann did not obtain his knowledge from within.江恩不能获得他的知识在里面。He studied ancient writings to obtain his knowledge.他研究了古代作品获得自己的知识。He was a 'rediscoverer' of knowledge, knowledge that had been hidden during the previous centuries for reasons that we can only speculate.他是个' rediscoverer的知识,知识的隐藏在过去几个世纪的原因,我们只能推测。And like Gann, George Bayer based his life-long studies on much the same source of knowledge.就像江恩,乔治拜耳研究基础自己的终身职业一样的的知识来源。If you hadn't heard of Gann before now, then you are much less likely to have heard of George Bayer.如果你没有听说过江恩在这之前,你就不太可能从未听说过乔治·贝尔公司。I suspect that there are many out there with a reasonable knowledge of Gann and his work and who have not heard of George Bayer.我怀疑有许多提供一个合理的知识和他的作品江恩,还没有听说过乔治·贝尔公司。On the one hand, there's an industry built up around Gann and his work, while at the same time Bayer is known by very few.一方面,有一个业始建大约江恩和他的工作,同时拜耳公司被认为是很少。This is somewhat surprising because in our view the work Bayer did, during much the same period as Gann, is much less subjective than was Gann's.这是有点令人惊讶的,因为我们认为这项工作了,在拜耳一样的时期就不那么江恩是江恩主观比。We can read Bayer's manuscripts and make sense of most subjects he deals with.我们能读懂勒沃库森的手稿和理解他处理大部分的课。The same cannot be said of Gann's writings.同样的不能说这是江恩著作。Maybe Bayer's comparative obscurity has less to do with the value of his work but more to do with Gann's undoubted marketing drive and flair.也许勒沃库森的比较默默无闻的减少了他的工作,而是更多的价值和商业活动无疑是江恩又有才华。Bayer did market his services because he refers to having 300 clients taking his forecasts, but there is no evidence that Bayer sold courses and products to anywhere near the extent that Gann did, let alone at the prices.拜耳公司做市场,因为他是指他的服务有三百多家客户以他的预期,但没有证据表明课程和产品销售拜耳江恩在某种程度上,附近的什么地方了,更不用说饭菜的价格。In reading the work of the two men we can get a handle on the type of person Bayer was and we get the impression it would not have been in his nature to push marketing beyond a respectable point; in fact, in his writings he is critical of those who do.在阅读两个人的工作可以得到一个句柄拜耳类型的人,我们是有这样的印象好像还没有他的性格推动销售超过一个受人尊敬的点;事实上,在他对他的作品。Whilst one can find a reasonable amount of information about Gann from books and the internet, the same is not true of Bayer.同时,可以找到一个合理的水平上的信息从书本江恩和互联网,同样的不见得拜耳公司。Little information is available about his life.小的信息是可得到的有关他的生活。We know a fair bit about his work but not much about his life.我们知道一个公平的一些关于他的工作,而是没有多少人了解他的生活。We understand that he emigrated from Germany , arriving in New York , probably at the turn of the 20 th century.我们认为他从德国、移民到达纽约,很可能在接下来的20世纪。He wrote a book called George Wollsten, the object of which we are sure was an exercise in writing a story in code form, a story behind which there is a hidden message, information on how to calculate the natural cycles of markets.他写了一本书名叫乔治,目的Wollsten我们一定是一次演习写一个故事,这个故事讲述了代码的形式在它的后面有一个隐蔽的信息,信息对如何计算的自然周期的市场。It is said that the veneer in this book depicts his life.据说胶合板在这本书里描述了他的生命。To what extent this is true, we can't be sure, but it seems likely that he started out as a stock broker in New York , gravitated to analysis and became interested in the effect of natural cycles on markets.在什么程度上这是真实的,我们不能确定,但看起来他最初是股票经纪人在纽约,吸引了大批的分析和对它们感兴趣的市场自然周期的影响。Later he moved to California and lived in Carmel by the Sea.此后,他搬到加利福尼亚和住在迦密在海边一样。He was an avid researcher.他是一个狂热的研究员。He spent most of his adult life researching his subject, from dawn until the small hours of the morning, day in, day out, until he died during the mid fifties, somewhat before his three score plus ten.他一生大部分时间用来成年的生活研究他的主题,从天亮直到凌晨中午的时候,每天,,直到他死去年代中期有所百夫长、五十夫长在他70加上10。Bayer's forecasts were as incredible as were Gann's.贝尔公司的预测,是江恩一样都是令人难以置信。They are documented so there is no question about their accuracy.他们有文件证明所以毫无疑问,其计算精度进行了评价。Bayer often predicted the high of a market to within a whisker, and right on the day.拜耳公司经常预测市场越高,对在一个晶须在这一天。From what we have seen of the forecasts of both men, they stand as equals.来自我们所看见的预测的男性,但是他们在努力提高一律平等。But in the area of research, we think Bayer stands tall.但在的研究领域,我们认为拜耳站高。Bayer's whole life was research, while Gann diverted his attention to other fields from time to time.贝尔公司的一生都是研究虽然江恩向非农业转移他的注意力。As to Bayer's trading record, there seems to be even less evidence on this matter than was the case for Gann.为贝尔公司的交易记录,就似乎更不证据比在这件事上,江恩案例。But the same could be true about Bayer.但是同样的有关拜耳可能是真的。He was such an incredible forecaster he, like Gann, must have made money from the markets where he wanted.他是如此令人难以置信的预报员他也象江恩赚了不少钱,必须从市场,在那儿他想要的。Based on our understanding of Bayer it was that he didn't court money and fame to the extent that Gann did.通过解读,拜尔法的是,他没有法院钱和名誉江恩在多大程度上了。We think Bayer traded to pay the bills and cover a few conservative luxuries.我们认为拜耳交易到付账单,并且覆盖一些保守的奢侈品。Research is what drove Bayer, not money.研究是如此逐步演进拜耳,而不是钱。He did seek recognition for his work, though.他有寻求认可他的工作,虽然。Although he did not like to enter into the public arena, there were occasions he went against this and we are sure it was because he wanted other people to know the truth about cycles.虽然他不喜欢进入公共场所,有场合他却背叛巴比伦王,我们相信这是因为他想要别人知道真相的循环。Although contemporaries, there is no evidence the two men ever met.虽然同时代的人,目前没有证据显示所见过的那两个人。Therefore, we find it interesting that they both shared knowledge of elliptical cycles.因此,我们发现它很有趣,他们都共享知识的椭圆周期。Of course, Bayer referred to these in his manuscripts, but there is no mention in any Gann material we have seen.当然,拜耳提到这些在他的手稿,但是没有提到任何江恩资料我们已经看过的。So, there you have it, our take on the two men we believe possessed valuable knowledge on the effect of natural cycles on man and markets.因此,您拥有它,我们考虑这两个人我们相信拥有的有价值的知识的影响的人自然周期和市场。

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[ 本帖最后由 mzyma1355 于 2012-8-11 10:05 编辑 ]
发表于 2011-1-11 08:29:06 | 只看该作者
“我们认为江恩并没有公开他最好的交易工具,elliptical cycles 就是其中之一。”

[ 本帖最后由 甘恩 于 2011-1-11 09:01 编辑 ]
发表于 2011-1-11 20:07:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-1-14 20:18:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-24 03:53:22 | 只看该作者
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