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发表于 2008-11-28 21:09:16 | 显示全部楼层

所谓”原始的激励”,此篇”The Ticker and Investment Digest”似已间接提供答案

一部曲: 原始的激励
Science teaches that 'an "original impulse" of any kind finally resolves itself into a periodic or rhythmical motion; also, just as the pendulum returns again in its swing, just as the moon returns in its orbit, just as the advancing year over brings the rose of spring, so do the properties of the elements periodically recur as the weight of the atoms rises."
二部曲: ”透镜成像”与”功率放大”原理
"I have found that in the stock itself exists its harmonic or inharmonious relationship to the driving power or force behind it. The secret of all its activity is therefore apparent. By my method I can determine ""the vibration of each stock"" and also, by taking certain time values into consideration, I can, in the majority of cases, tell exactly what the stock will do under given conditions."
三部曲: 波动率
"The power to determine the trend of the market is due to my knowledge of the characteristics of each individual stock and a certain grouping of different stocks under their “proper rates of vibration”. Stocks are like electrons, atoms and molecules, which hold persistently to their own individuality in response to "the fundamental law of vibration"

[本帖最后由 yktu 于 2008-11-28 21:12 编辑 ]
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