
标题: 【翻译】MMA金融占星5月16日周预测 [打印本页]

作者: gerade    时间: 2016-5-15 00:17
标题: 【翻译】MMA金融占星5月16日周预测
It was another typical Mercury retrograde week. Most equity indices were modestly up early in the week, peaking around the midpoint of the Mercury retrograde of May 10 and then declining into the end of the week. For most, it was an inside week – the high and low were between the prior week’s high and low, which is typical of the latter half of Mercury retrograde (low volatility). However, there were exceptions, such as in Australia, where the ASX index soared to its highest level in 9 months. Or in China, where the Shanghai Index fell to its lowest level in two months. Typical Mercury retrograde. One part of the world is up, another part down, but most of the world just see-sawing back in forth in a smaller and smaller trading range.
这是另一个典型的水星逆行周。大多数股票指数在本周早些时候开始小幅上升,在5月10日的水星逆行的中点达到顶峰,然后下降到本周结束。对于大多数(市场),这发生在一周内 - 高点和低点在前一周的高点与低点之间,这是典型的水星逆行(低波动)的后半段。不过,也有例外,如在澳大利亚,在那里ASX指数飙升至9个月以来的历史最高水平。在中国,上海指数跌至两个月以来的最低水平。这是典型的水星逆行。世界的一部分上升,另一部分下降,但世界上大部分(市场指数)只看到在越来越小的波动区间中来回运动了。

In the USA, the Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked at 17,934 on Tuesday, May 10, right in the middle of the Trickster’s retrograde motion. It soared 222 points higher that day. The next day it gave it all back, falling 217 points. By the end of Friday, May 13, the DJIA was making a new monthly low, testing 17,500.

The trading activity was a little livelier in commodities. Crude Oil hit $47.02/barrel on May 12, its highest price in 6 months. Gold fell from a yearly high of 1306 on May 2, just two trading days after Mercury turned retrograde, and fell to a low (so far) of 1258.30 on May 10, the  midpoint of the retrograde mercury band. Silver, as usual, was more dramatic. From its high of 18.06 on May 2, it sold off all last week. On Friday, it was down to a low of 16.85 intraday, with no sign of a bottom yet. It fits with cycle studies. It also fits with Mars transit studies, with Mars falling back into early Sagittarius due its retrograde motion. However, it may violate the normal bullish pattern of heliocentric Mercury moving into Sagittarius now (May 13-24), which starts now. Should we be surprised that the warrior Mars is one tough dude that can put a stop to Mercury the Trickster?
交易活动在商品市场稍微活跃。5月12日原油创下/桶47.02 $ ,6个月以来的最高价格。5月2日,水星开始逆行后的两个交易日,黄金从年度高点1306开始下跌,并跌至5月10日的水星逆行时间段的中点,到达低点1258.30(到目前为止)。白银像往常一样,更富有戏剧性。从5月2日的高点18.06,在上周抛售。上周五,其跌至盘中低点16.85,并且还没有底部的迹象。目前的走势符合(我们的)周期研究。这也符合(我们的)火星推运(过运)研究,火星由于其逆行落回射手座。但是这些走势可能违反了现在开始的日心水星移入射手座的正常牛市格局(5月13日至24日)。如果火星战士一个艰难的纨绔子弟,能够制止水星“骗子”,我们会感到惊讶吗?

The problem with the metals is the Dollar, which is strengthening. It is really deeper than that. The problem with all the markets is the Central Banks and their mixed messages, which drives the Dollar higher. Two weeks ago, the Bank of Japan did not provide more monetary accommodation, as was then expected. Last week, BOJ announced they would. Hence the Dollar went up, and other currencies (like the Euro and Yen) fell rather hard, pulling down both metals and stocks. So that makes three central banks now that have reversed their prior announcements about monetary policy in the last month: first the ECB, then the Federal Reserve Board, and now BOJ. It is classic Mercury and Mars retrograde, with Jupiter and Saturn in a T-square with Neptune: you cannot believe anything you read, hear, or see these days. Even Donald Trump reversed his monetary policy regarding accepting campaign funds, when all along he said he would not. Under aspects like these, promises are made to be broken.

This is a noteworthy week for a strange reason: there are no geocentric major aspects forming by transiting planets, May 14-21. That implies that whatever the trends are going into this week, they will not change. Markets that have been declining will continue to decline and those that have been rising will continue to rise. Unless they don’t (nothing is iron clad under Mercury and Mars both retrograde, and past correlations are no guarantee of future performance. What is a more likely observation is that world leaders (political and banking) will continue to abruptly change their positions and spin their thinking in an effort to distract from their erratic thinking and behavior.

Even though planets are not making major aspects to one another, there are still a few interesting geocosmic features happening in the cosmos. For one, heliocentric Mercury begins its 11-day journey through Sagittarius, May 13-24. As stated last week, “This will be fascinating because that pairing usually corresponds to sharp price movements in metals and currencies (usually up),  but it is occurring near the end of Mercury retrograde, which is a that is usually not very volatile for financial markets. Which will dominate? Or will we see both expressions manifest?” So far, it has not been volatile, so the end of Mercury retrograde is dominating.

Another test to the current contradictory Mercury volatility theories will take place May 21, when the Full Moon unfolds in Gemini-Sagittarius. This full Moon conjuncts Mars as well. Normally, that would correspond to market and political volatility (boastful claims that may not be true, followed by over-the-top angry rebuttals). It happens over a weekend, so perhaps it relates more to politics than markets. However, watch the grain markets, which tend to reverse within a trading day or two of this lunation. Tempers and weather could get very hot.
      “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” –Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, from the Arizona Republic, May 5, 2016.
    –Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, 亚利桑那共和报,2016年5月5日

We are going to play small ball and discuss people this week, especially Donald Trump who is born under a full Moon, in fact a lunar eclipse, in the same Gemini-Sagittarius signs that the full moon of May 21 occupy. His online birth certificate states he is born June 14, 1946, at 10:54 AM, EDT, in Queens, New York. He is a man who is at his strength discussing people, and less potent when discussing ideas in detail, especially if they involve the details of how he would do what he proposes needs to be done. He is much stronger when he can turn the conversation from “ideas” to “people.” As he suggests, he prefers to not go into details about his “ideas” (of which he has plenty, as a Gemini-Sagittarius) because he wishes to keep his “options open.”

When he discusses “people,” however, he is at his strength because he is gifted at “branding” them, thereby creating an enduring image in the minds of others. In this primary season, he has impressively demonstrated his power at effectively branding his opponents (i.e. “Little Marco,” “Lying Ted,” Low Energy Jeb,” “Crooked Hillary,” and so on). It is a wonder that no one has effectively branded him in kind (i.e. “Donald the Whiner,” Bully Donald,” “Contradictory Donald,” or perhaps “Cannonball,” since Hillary Clinton is fond of calling him a “loose cannon,” which is a weaker form of branding that isn’t sticking). In any event, the ability to “pin a tail on a donkey,” or sticking names on people, is a form of Gemini-Sagittarius playfulness. However, with Mars rising in Leo, it can (but not solely) take the form of offensiveness and even bullying. This becomes even more pronounced in the charts of those who also have planets in Cancer, for Cancer demands loyalty. Mr. Trump has Venus and Saturn conjunct in Cancer, so he is especially assertive at branding others negatively who are not loyal to him, such as his opponents. As he often states, he doesn’t likes to lose. He will do whatever it takes to win. This is not the chart of one who graciously accepts defeat.

Of most importance to readers - and everyone else – is whether he can win the election or not. As an astrologer, I think it is not clear by looking solely at his chart and transits to it. I will discuss this in more detail later in the year, but suffice to say for now that the transit of Saturn will be conjunct him Moon and opposite his Sun just before inauguration day on January 20. This is a two-edged sword. Saturn on the Moon is not generally regarded as a “popular” time in one’s life. It is associated more often with loss than gain. When competing, it does not portend victory, but rather deep disappointment. Yet Saturn transiting in opposition to one’s natal Sun can indicate a peak in one’s professional life.  At the same time, the demands upon one’s time and energy are usually enormous. It can be a very successful time, but also a very stressful time.

Can he win? Yes, with transiting Saturn opposite his Sun. But he can also suffer a great loss, with Saturn on his Moon. Can both themes be present at the same time in January 2017? Yes. Bottom line: This is probably not going to be as easy a victory as Clinton fans think and as polls currently indicate. Hillary is going to have to be able to close out this election cycle in a much stronger manner than she has shown a capacity to do prior to now (with the exception of winning her Senate seat in New York a few years ago). They both have Mars in Leo (Trump and Clinton), which is the most common placement for former USA presidents, as reported by Michael O’Reilly in his excellent work titled “Political Astrology.” That also indicates one hell of entertaining fight should they ever go on stage and debate – almost as good as a debate between Janet Yellen and Donald Trump, which may come after the election, if Trump wins.
他能取胜吗?是的,流年土星对冲太阳,但他也承受他的流年土星合月亮的巨大损失。这两个主题会出现在同一时间在2017年一月吗?是的。底线:克林顿的粉丝认为和民意调查表明,这不可能能是那么容易的胜利。希拉里有能力以更强大的姿态结束这次选举,比他至今表现的还要强大(几年前她的参议员席位的情况除外)。他们的火星都在狮子座(特朗普和克林顿),这是美国前总统中最常见配置,如迈克尔·奥赖利在他出色的题为“政治占星术。”报到中说的一样。这也预示他们上台辩论的时候将是一场更加娱乐的地狱式决斗 - 几乎和耶伦和唐纳德·特朗普之间的辩论一样好,这可能会在大选后发生,如果特鲁姆普赢了。

In the meantime, I stand by my earlier advice: sit back and enjoy this spectacle. Politics like this have never happened before in quite this fashion in America, and if nothing else, it promises to be a very entertaining match between “Crooked Hillary” and “Cannonball Donald.”
作者: leomao    时间: 2016-5-15 12:50

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